In most cases, the majority of hair will not return after a short series of treatments. This course of treatment varies from person to person, but for most people 4-6 regular sessions will be requ
ired, scheduled around a month to three months apart. The hair that is going to disappear for good will usually stop growing within this initial course, with any residual hair growth being finer, softer, lighter in colour and regrowing at a dramatically slower rate. This residual hair growth can be left alone, or you can have occasional maintenance treatments, which can vary from a few months apart to once a year.
The degree of hair loss and the time taken to get results will vary from person to person as there are many factors that can influence hair growth. For maximum results you need to follow the initial course regularly as recommended by your therapist.
IPL Permanent Hair Reduction offers you the opportunity to ditch the razor, wax and tweezers and enjoy life without the mess and fuss of tradtional IPL hair removal methods. Unwanted hair can be not only unsightly but can also lead to feelings of embarassment and stop you from doing the things you love to do! Don't let the fuzz win! Take control with IPL and feel smooth and sexy this summer.
Purchase your Scoopon today for only $59 to begin your IPL treatments with Sapphire Hair & Beauty. Return customers will also receive $50 off their next IPL treatment.